Lars-Martin Krohn-Dale comes from Norway and he is a first year student of the Bachelor’s Degree in Gastronomy. We have asked him a few questions to know more about his experience in Spain, hobbies and, most of all, about his passion for gastronomy.
5 lines to describe yourself:
This is a hard one. I think it is hard to describe myself. I guess I consider myself to be curious, in a good mood, sometimes a little too good, have good values and really into gastronomy!
When did you know that you would dedicate yourself to gastronomy?
I have always been passionate about Gastronomy, but from a foodie/non-professional perspective. The summer when I applied to Gasma I had decided to pursue my passion because I realized that I didn’t find my job inspiring anymore. Before that, I had been working for 3 years with my start-up as an importer and wholesaler of LED-products.
Do you have any obsession as a cook?
I’m obsessed with the last thing I read about or watch. Everything is equally inspiring to me at this point. I would really like to work with insects and similar, not only because I think it will be very trendy soon, but also, from a sustainability perspective, the manufacturing of food from alternative sources is very important. Also, from a business perspective, I believe it is going to be a billion dollar market in the future!
Which ingredients have you discovered at Gasma and you can’t get them out of your head?
Olive oil! Coming from Norway I have always been used to near rancid, poor quality olive oil. I didn’t appreciate the diversity that we have between olive varieties until coming here. Also I have got to know the molecular gastronomy stuff: emulsifiers, thickeners, etc. these are things that I didn’t know about before coming here.
If you had to highlight a dish from a partner, which one would it be?
A classmate? That is hard to say. I have mostly had them over at my place for food. I think Arda and Gilles are incredibly talented at plating and food photography, and Gilles’ approach to making dishes is really great. He writes it all down and plans it ahead, while I am more spontaneous and unstructured. I look forward to learning more from him!
Vanguard or tradition?
Why not both? I want to have my cake, and eat it too! In traditional cuisine, I favour greatly food from Asia over Europe. I would order a pad thai, tom yum, ramen, or Vietnamese spring rolls any day over coq au vin or a steak with béarnaise sauce; but I would like to learn and understand more about modern cuisine and the techniques (can I say alchemy?) behind it, as well as learn more about traditional cuisine in Europe.
What did your childhood taste like?
Bad decisions for the most part. My parents did not appreciate cooking at all, but there are some dishes and ingredients that stand out. Lobster boiled in seawater, something we call Spanish bacalao (I believe you’d call it bacalao a la vizcaína), game meat from our hunting, good fish & seafood. My love for food started when my father married my stepmother when I was around 14. She read cookbooks and cooked exotic food, and pushed my father to visit more interesting restaurants when we travelled.
What gastronomic experience will you never forget in your life?
I have a few fond memories. My first time eating sushi at Harrod’s in London is up there. Eating at Nobu in Dubai was my first fusion food experience. I ate pan fried honey and gold glazed Atlantic cod with gold flakes over it. It blew my mind. Eating ‘gourmet’ macaroni and cheese with white truffles in Gary Rhodes’ restaurant in Dubai, the food in general in Thailand…
What would your ideal restaurant be like?
I would like to run a restaurant that is a very desirable work place for young and curious chefs. Also, I would want to facilitate learning and give everyone responsibility and the ability to add dishes to the menu from their respective countries or ideas. What I would always have would be a modern kitchen with access to all the necessary equipment and raw ingredients.
What do you think about when you don’t think about cooking?
My dog, my girlfriend or hunting, to name a few. Not always in that order. I spend a lot of time thinking about Gastronomy and about what kind of business I would like to be in after Gasma. I really really want to learn about food manufacturing and possibly produce insect based food, not necessarily only to restaurants.
What is the best thing about studying at Gasma?
The teachers. I love them all. Blanca is so passionate about food and is great at taking care of our class. She’s always reachable and approachable. Ana is so knowledgeable and I have never been more inspired in a classroom, even if trying to understand double bonds and hydrogen atoms causes my head to cave in. Pablo, Carlos, Vicente, David, Frederico and Elias have all done a great job and are very inspiring. I have not had classes with Jordi yet but I have talked to him a bit and I’m really looking forward to learning from him in the coming semesters.