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Universidad Gastronómica » Teacher » Carles Mampel
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Carles Mampel


Catalan pastry chef passionate about his profession. His creations are inspired by details, details of visuals, flavors, textures and aromas; each detail fulfills a purpose and as a whole results in the perfect creation.

He has been a member of Relais Desserts since 2008, the association that recognizes the best pastry chefs in the world and was also winner of the ‘Best Master Pastry Chef of Spain’ award. In 2000 he won the award for Best European-American Pastry Chef and four years later he was a finalist in the World Pastry Championship in Rimini.

His awards are a reflection of the dedication, effort and hard work that Carles Mampel has dedicated to his profession and that have helped him to go beyond the creative limits in his work and in the way he does it.


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