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Universidad Gastronómica » Teacher » Jordi Puigvert
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Jordi Puigvert


He studied at the School of Hospitality and Tourism of Girona, with professors such as Salvador Brugués, Carme Picas and Gonzalo Herrero, among others. He worked in different restaurants, among which stands out his stage at El Celler de Can Roca, where he was under the orders of Damian Allshop.

From there he travels to Barcelona to work for a year in the dessert restaurant EspaiSucre, along with Jordi Butron and Xano Saguer. It was followed by the Abrevadero restaurant (now Alkimia) and the Boira Group. He finally returned to Olot to join the restaurant Les Cols, where he defined his style and his way of conceiving dessert.

After completing his training, he began a new career as a teacher at the same Girona School where he had been a student a few years earlier.

In which pastry masters does Jordi Puigvert teach?

Master in pastry and confectionery


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