Gasma and the CEU Cardenal Herrera University have incorporated this course the eValue Prisma 4D, a new method for evaluating transversal competencies and aptitudes that is applied in environments such as work or education. Students of the Degree in Gastronomy can take this test to detect both their strengths and weaknesses. In this way, during their training they will be able to enhance their strengths or develop the so-called soft skills with personalized monitoring and great room for improvement.
The test, which is carried out thanks to the collaboration between the expert entity in Artificial Intelligence and Big Data Institute of Knowledge Engineering and the CEU universities, measures 8 personal competencies based on the model of David Bartrman, creator of the article The Great Eight Competencies: to Criterion-Centric Approach to Validation. Journal of Applied Psychology.
Communication and relationship
Learning and innovation
Achievement and entrepreneurship
All these skills are evaluated through the library of exercises that make up the eValue, with proposals such as team management and development or initiative. The Personality and Intelligence tests are very important and provide data of great value in the formation of predictive models that indicate the future performance of the evaluated person. Depending on the situation or intention, the person responsible will choose some tests or others.
In addition, each competence is measured through the indicators of Preferences, Skill, Training and Experience. In this way, a very complete analysis is obtained that not only assesses their ability in these eight competencies, but also contextualizes whether the student in question has had opportunities to develop each area.
When all tests are completed, eValue generates a personalized report for each candidate, with the score and level obtained, as well as their interpretation of the data. In this way, precise and reliable information is offered that complements the qualitative knowledge that we already have about each person.
Soft skills, which are evaluated in this test with the help of Artificial Intelligence, are increasingly coveted by companies. Nowadays, people are sought with aptitudes, qualities, competencies or personal and social abilities that allow them to work as a team, make decisions or adapt quickly to changes, among others.
The evaluation offers students an education adapted and personalized to their needs, an opportunity to discover and develop their true potential. This is the result of making cutting-edge tools available and having a student-first approach, hallmarks of the education offered in all CEU centers. Not in vain, we must remember that this personalized attention is one of the factors that has led the UCH-CEU Gastronomy Degree in Gasma to be considered the best university degree in gastronomic studies in Spain in terms of teaching quality.