Title: Bachelor’s Degree in Gastronomy
The Bachelor’s Degree in Gastronomy aims to train professionals specialized in culinary techniques, and professionals qualified to direct and manage gastronomic businesses.
In order to enroll you only need to have passed the university entrance exam (PAU) Required documentation (ONLY AT TIME OF ENROLLMENT)
There are two different scenarios. Please select yours:
1. European union education system or with a specific agreement on educational matters
2. European union education system or with a specific agreement on educational matters
The current regulations allow us to admit students on a conditional basis if we do not yet have a response from the Ministry of Education. This allows students to begin the course at the start of the year.
Pursuant to current legislation, all students who have completed a CFGS (Advanced Vocational Training Cycle) may access the University from any professional sphere, but in the event that demand exceeds the number of places available, the University will give preference to qualified candidates holding qualifications from the same branch of knowledge as the one studied on the degree course that they wish to follow.
Through UCH-CEU University, the Gastronomy and Culinary Management Campus has established various recognitions for credits obtained in the different branches of advanced vocational training cycles towards degrees from the university itself.
Required documentation (ONLY AT TIME OF ENROLLMENT):
There are two scenarios. Please select yours:
Countries with a bilateral agreement with Spain on educational matters: Germany, Andorra, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, China, Cyprus, Croatia, Denmark, Slovakia, Slovenia, Estonia, Finland, France, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Norway, Holland, Poland, Portugal, United Kingdom, Czech Republic, Romania, Sweden and Switzerland.
In the event that the demand is higher than the places offered, students with degrees assigned to the same knowledge branch as the degree they wish to study and/or those with a higher average grade will have preference.
In order to be able to enroll at the UCH-CEU, you should contact the Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (National University of Distance Education, hereinafter “UNED”) to obtain your university access credentials. We can perform this process directly. If you are interested, please write to admisiones@gasma.es.
Required documentation (ONLY AT TIME OF ENROLLMENT):
In order to enrol at UCH-CEU, you are required to request official recognition of your qualification from the Spanish Ministry of Education.
In the event that the demand is higher than the places offered, students with degrees assigned to the same knowledge branch as the degree they wish to study and/or those with a higher average grade will have preference.
Required documentation (ONLY AT TIME OF ENROLLMENT):
The current regulations allow us to admit students on a conditional basis if we do not yet have a response from the Ministry of Education. This allows students to begin the course at the start of the year.
In order to enroll you have only to provide a certified copy of the certificate for your university qualification: first-cycle degree (3-4 years), second-cycle degree (4-6 years), second-cycle architectural degree, second-cycle engineering degree, first-cycle architectural degree, first-cycle engineering degree or bachelor’s degree.
Required documentation (ONLY AT TIME OF ENROLLMENT):
Regardless of the country where you completed the university studies, you have to provide official recognition of the qualification in order to be able to enroll at UCH-CEU University.
Official recognition has to be obtained from the Spanish Ministry of Education and may be of two types:
La normativa vigente permite que te admitamos condicionalmente durante este curso académico aunque todavía no tengas la respuesta del Ministerio. De esta forma, podrás incorporarte a clase desde el primer día.
Required documentation (ONLY AT TIME OF ENROLLMENT):
The admission criteria for students will be the grade obtained in the access test for people over 25 and 45 years of age.
Required documentation (ONLY AT TIME OF ENROLMENT):
Candidates with professional or workplace experience related to the course they wish to enroll on at our University and who have no qualifications that would enable them to access university (via Baccalaureate, CFGS, Bachelor’s Degree, etc.). They must have turned 40 before 1 October of the academic year in which they wish to enroll.
Candidates will need to fill a simple online form and attach their employment history as well as their CV. The application will be evaluated and the candidate will be informed of the final decision.
Required documentation (ONLY AT TIME OF ENROLLMENT):
If you are studying at another Spanish university and want to continue studying the same degree, you must have passed a minimum number of credits in order to request a transfer; specifically, we must be able to recognize at least 30 ECTS.
Required Documentation (ONLY AT THE TIME OF ENROLLMENT)
If you have completed university studies outside Spain and want to continue with the same studies, you must have passed a minimum number of credits to request the transfer; specifically, to achieve partial validation of foreign studies, we must be able to validate at least 30 ECTS credits.
If you cannot reach the minimum number of credits (30 ECTS), you can always access with pre-university studies and have the possibility of validating credits.
It is a relatively simple process but it is advisable that you contact us (admisiones@gasma.es) to give you some tips that can shorten the administrative process and thus achieve your quick incorporation to the classes. For example, we can specify the deadlines for submission, as well as the data that must necessarily be included in the documentation to be provided (number of ECTS credits, grading system, etc.) and/or the language and validation of such documents (sworn translations, legalization, etc.).
Required Documentation (ONLY AT THE TIME OF ENROLLMENT):
If you have begun university qualifications in a Spanish university and wish to continue with the same Bachelor’s Degree, you will need to have passed a minimum of 30 ECTS points in order to get a record transfer.
If you are studying in a Spanish university but want to start a different Bachelor’s Degree, when you apply for admission you need to attach an informative copy of your academic record to carry out the validation study.
Required documentation (ONLY AT TIME OF ENROLMENT):
If you are studying university qualifications abroad but you want to start a different one, when you apply for admission you will need to attach an informative copy of your academic record to carry out a Validations study.
It is a relatively simple process but it is better to get in touch with us so we can give you more specific advice (admisiones@gasma.es) This will make the process quicker for you and help you to begin classes quicker. For example, we will be able to give you more information as well as the details you need to include in your documents you need to bring (Number of ECTS points, qualification system etc.) and/or language and validation requirements (legal translations, authorizations, etc.).
Required documentation (ONLY AT TIME OF ENROLMENT):
In order to get students beginning classes as soon as possible, the law allows them to have a conditional admission. This will mean the student will be able to register at the university without handing in/having all the required documents. This special type of agreement between UCH-CEU and the student is agreed through the following rules and conditions: