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Universidad Gastronómica » Teacher » Andrea Dopico
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Andrea Dopico


Included by the prestigious Forbes magazine in the European ’30 under 30′ list, this Venezuelan pastry chef has worked with chefs such as Carme Ruscalleda and Jordi Cruz, taking the reins of sweet cuisine in their respective restaurants.

Andrea Dopico began her studies at the Pacific Institute of Culinary Arts in Vancouver:

Chef Carme Ruscalleda’s Moments restaurant (2 Michelin stars) experienced accelerated growth in just two years. With all he has learned and with the experience he has accumulated, he accepted the challenge of leading the sweet part of the ABaC restaurant (3 Michelin stars), defending the balance of flavors, textures, shapes,…

Andrea Dopico, professor of GASMA’s Master’s Degree in Avant-Garde Pastrymaking, is facing this challenge.

In which pastry Masters does Andrea Dopico teach?

Master’s Degree in Avant-Garde Pastry and Desserts


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